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Watch For Signs Of Home Electrical System Overload This Summer

Summer is a time to relax and enjoy the sun for many. But for your electric system, summer is stressful. Many run the air conditioner frequently to try to stay comfortable. When a lot of people run their air conditioners simultaneously, the electric grid and your home’s electric system can become stressed. This leads to blackouts, brownouts, and even fires and electric shocks.

This summer, the Energy Education Council encourages you to do your part to keep our electric system stress-free.

Be mindful of how you are using electricity, and try to use electricity in off peak hours. Most electricity is demanded in the middle of the day. If you can hold off running your electricity until later in the evening, you can save money and ease electrical stress. Washing and drying machines, the oven, and the dish washer are also energy hogs.

Have your air conditioner inspected and prepared for summer. An electrician should verify that your air conditioner is fit for the summer months, and it should be thoroughly cleaned before you run it.

Consider an electric inspection, especially if you live in an older home. A qualified electrician can alert you to safety hazards and give you suggestions for improvements.

Know the signs of electrical stress and safety hazards. If your lights flicker, electronics shut off, or circuits trip, you either have a problem with your home electric system or the grid is stressed. If you are running any appliances that take lots of electricity, shut them off. If this problem continues, contact a qualified electrician for an inspection.

No matter the season or age of a home, residents should be vigilant and continually check for electrical hazards such as cracked or fraying electrical cords, overloaded outlets and circuits, and improper wattage light bulbs in lamps and light fixtures. Also, make sure smoke alarms are placed and functioning properly.